NYC Planning Waterfront Resources
The Waterfront Resources listed below are the tools we have as a city to guide waterfront projects and share information with New Yorkers about different aspects of the city's waterfront, including waterfront public access and coastal flood risk.
The New York City Waterfront Revitalization Program establishes the City’s policies for waterfront planning, preservation and development projects to ensure consistency over the long term. The goal of the program is to maximize the benefits derived from economic development, environmental conservation and public use of the waterfront, while minimizing any potential conflicts among these objectives. Waterfront zoning maximizes the public’s access to, and enjoyment of, the city’s waterfront resources while enabling appropriate redevelopment along the shoreline.
NYC Planning has also developed interactive tools to make data more accessible for New Yorkers. The Waterfront Access Map allows New Yorkers to locate and learn more about the diverse mix of publicly accessible waterfront spaces throughout the city. The NYC Flood Hazard Mapper provides a comprehensive overview of the coastal flood hazards that threaten the city today, as well as how these hazards are likely to increase in the future with climate change.
Plans & Programs
The Comprehensive Waterfront Plan builds on other City efforts to better understand a range of topics that relate to the waterfront including, fair housing, natural areas, and the movement of freight, access to jobs, and workforce development resources.